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Word Believing Christian
Center Church
"Changing Lives Through the Word of God"

Youth On Fire for Christ
Youth On Fire For Christ (YOFFC) is the Youth Ministry for male and female teens (Ages 14–19). The Youth Ministry was founded in 2008. The aim of YOFFC is for each youth to be Saved, Baptized with the Holy Spirit, knowledgeable of Bible principles for daily living, able to withstand Peer Pressure, and able to witness and lead lost souls to Christ (according to John 8:32, “And ye shall know the truth shall make you free”). God is raising up young people that he will anoint to change their generation. They will be strong and do mighty exploits through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Weekly interactive YOFFC will be interactive, relevant, and fun and will include: Prayer, Praise and Worship, Drama Skits, and the Word of God ministered by the Youth Minister. The development of Christian Character, Self-Esteem, Achievement, and Leadership will be a primary focus. Career Development and College Planning services will also be provided to all youth. YOFFC is led by Pastors Cornelius and Cassandra Berry and facilitated with an appointed/trained Youth Minister.
Teaching God Word to Today’s Youth
1. Establish a YOFCC Prayer Team
2. Establish a YOFFC Praise & Worship Team
3. Establish a YOFFC Rap Team & Step Team
4. Establish a Tutoring, Career Awareness, College, and Financial Aid Awareness Ministry
5. Establish a YOFFC Bible Study Outreach Ministry
6. Establish a YOFFC Volunteer Service-Learning Team to provide community
service and to develop leadership.
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